Interested to learn more about Pastoral Care or looking to deepen your knowledge in Theology?
Join our evening classes starting semester 1 2024.
PC002 Pastoral Care
A Christocentric and biblical-theological approach to relational skills, equipping skills, and pastoral care of people with a range of problems.
LECTURER : Karl Hood
START DATE : Tuesday 13 February from 6.15pm
Click here for more information.
TH103 Theology: The Doctrines of Grace and Eschatology
Topics include Grace and faith; justification, sanctification, adoption; the Kingdom of God; the Parousia, the New Heavens and New Earth.
LECTURER : Peter Hastie
START DATE : Thursday 15 February from 6.15pm
Click here for more information.
If you have any questions or need help registering, please contact (03) 9898 9384 or
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven