ea6abc0e93 Graduate Aims | PTC

Graduate aims

Our aim is singular but huge: the transformation of the whole person to the glory of God 

Spiritual Formation

Since those who are called to gospel ministry must be known for their devotion to Christ and the power (as opposed to the mere form) of their godliness, we believe that they should be people who are:

  • Conscious of their personal limitations and deficiencies, aware of their need for grace and forgiveness, and able to deal honestly and humbly with their own sin through Christ

  • Imitating Christ through their love for God, submitting to the Word, and modelling the Gospel

  • Devoted to prayer

  • Mature, stable and self-controlled, offering good judgment in all situations, especially in times of trial

  • Compassionate towards others and willing to serve and engage with all kinds of people, regardless of age or culture, by encouraging and exhorting them to be reconciled to God and building them up in their faith

  • Persons of integrity, respected and held in high regard by all

Theological Formation

Those who serve in gospel ministry must, among other things, understand the written form of God’s revelation and be able to defend, explain and communicate the true faith. In addition, they should understand the ministry of the Word and sacraments as the means that God uses to convey His grace. They should be able to explain the faith clearly in normal and unfamiliar settings as well as exercise faithful pastoral care in the church. Consequently, we believe that those who graduate should be people who:

  • Appreciate the background and culture of the Bible, its original languages as well as the difficulties that arise in the study of the text .

  • Possess an in-depth knowledge of Scripture and understand it from the perspective of a Christcentred biblical theology and systematic theology.

  • Understand the various theological traditions of the Christian faith and be able to appreciate and explain the Evangelical and Reformed tradition as contained in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

  • Learn from church history and the lives of significant Christians how to undertake the work of the kingdom with grace and wisdom.

  • Know the best writers on pastoral and applied theology, especially in the areas of prayer, preaching, evangelism, worship, counselling, and pastoral care.

  • Understand the spiritual realm, the world, culture, human problems and social/ethical issues from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

  • Know the contemporary theological scene and are able to engage with and critique scholars, authors and movements.

  • Discern the threat of theological deviations, especially modern ones, and are able to analyse and critique them.

  • Recognise the obligations of church membership and understand how to disciple, exhort and discipline fellow believers.

  • Realise the significance of Christian calling, spiritual giftedness and the nature and tasks of the Christian ministry.

Ministry Formation

Those who engage in Gospel ministry must be capable of leading others: in prayer, evangelism, discipling, preaching/teaching and providing pastoral care. To that end, we believe that our graduates should be able to exercise the following skills, as appropriate to their ministry role:

  • Able to write and speak in a clear, natural and orderly manner.

  • Preach and teach expositionally from the Bible in the power of the Spirit as required for specific occasions.

  • Lead small groups in Bible study and evangelism.

  • Affirm and defend the Christian faith against attacks from contemporary critics.

  • Lead in public worship and prayer in a variety of settings.

  • Explain and administer, where relevant, the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper in a reverent manner.

  • Conduct public services where relevant such as weddings and funerals.

  • Share the gospel and equip others to do so.

  • Train people to be disciples of Christ who, in turn, can disciple others.

  • Provide biblical counsel and pastoral care.

  • Provide leadership and administrative ability in the local church and within the wider church.

  • Understand the form of church government authorised by the Scriptures and its processes of administration.

Training for the Kingdom of Heaven



For new enrolments (Ts & Cs apply)