All units taught at PTC are listed below, other than certificate level units (which are listed at ptc.edu.au/certificate). Go to The AUT website for AUT unit descriptions.
For currently offered units, go to the current semester’s timetable. To see the likely schedule of units for the next several semesters and to search by delivery mode and unit level, go to the units schedule page.
If you cannot find what you are looking for or need for your course progression, please speak to the Academic Dean. We can usually make arrangements to meet your particular requirements.
Any of the units listed above can also be taken as a single unit study.
For more information on single unit study enrolment: AUT Coursework Course Enrolment Policy
Internal units are units of PTC, not the AUT. They cannot be taken for credit into an AUT course. Please go to the internal units page. Available units:
Study Skills & English Grammar
Presbyterian History
Presbyterian Polity
Biblical Theology
Reformed Worship
創世記導論 (Introduction to Genesis)
Supervised Learning Experience
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven