Registrations & Enrolments for the semi-intensive ‘Preaching I’ unit (PC047-612/712/812) are now open.
The 2023 semi-intensive unit will run from 9.00am – 4.00pm on the following dates:
Rev Tony Bird, our Lecturer for Preaching and Guest Lecturer Rev Simon Manchester, will be joining us to train and encourage those who seek to improve their skills in expository preaching. This unit includes required attendance at the PTC Ministry Conference 2022.
Students enrolled in this subject, and other full-time PTC students, may attend the Conference free of charge. Catering is also available at a small cost if desired. Please contact the Office to confirm the correct registration option for the Conference & request the discount code for eligible students.
To enrol for this unit, please complete the unit enrolment form or audit application & send the completed form to the Registrar:
For further details and Unit Guide, see the unit page for Preaching I: PC047-612/712/812.
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven