Internal units are units of PTC, not the ACT. They cannot be taken for credit in an ACT course.
Summer intensive, 4 days (Grammar 12 hours, Skills 11 hours), offered annually
(This subject is compulsory for all first year full time students.)
Lecturers: Ben Nelson
Outcomes: This subject provides a firm foundation in the skills required for tertiary level academic study, including grammar, essay writing, and research. Students will also find this subject assists with preparing them for Hebrew and Greek studies.
Fees: There is no charge to PTC students for this unit.
Summer intensive, 2 days (8 hours), even numbered years
2 cps
Lecturer: Douglas Milne
Overvew: This subject will familiarise students with the sweep of Western thought and culture, as influenced by its philosophers.
Method: Class lectures, and notes with discussion.
Tarnas, Richard, The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (New York: Ballantine, 1993)
DeWeese, Garrett J. and Moreland, J.P., PhilosopHy Made Slightly Less Difficult: A beginner’s Guide to Life’s Big QuesTions (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2005).
Summer intensive, 2 days (6 hours), odd numbered years
2 cps
Lecturer: Peter Hastie
Outcomes: This subject will give students a working acquaintance with apologetics in the Bible, and its application to contemporary issues in apologetics.
Method: Class instruction and discussion.
Assessment: Written exam (1 hour)
Craig, William L., Reasonable Faith (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2008).
Groothuis, Douglas, Christian Apologetics (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2011,)
Boa, Kenneth D., Faith Has Its Reasons (Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2005)
Summer intensive, 5 days (20 hours), even numbered years
4 cps
Lecturer: Douglas Milne
Outcomes: This subject will make students aware of the whole field of ethics, and learn some tools for resolving ethical issues.
Method: Class lectures and notes with discussion
Cameron, Andrew, Joined-Up Life: A Christian Account of How Ethics Works (Nottingham, UK: IVP, 2011)
Feinberg, John S. and Feinburg, Paul D., Ethics for a Brave New World (2nd ed.; Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2002).
Best, Megan, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Ethics and the Beginning of Human Life (Sydney, AU: Matthias Media, 2012)
Summer intensive, 5 days (20 hours), odd numbered years
2 cps
Lecturer: Jared Hood
Scottish roots: the Scottish Reformation; the Covenanters; awakening and secessions; missions and the Disruption; unions and the rise of biblical criticism.
Australian planting: John Dunmore Lang and James Forbes; divisions and State unions; temperance; theological halls; missions; and Charles Strong.
Australian growth: federalism; Samuel Angus; the division of 1977; and recent challenges.
Pre-course assignment: please contact the lecturer
Textbook: Harman, Allan, and Harman, Mairi, Australian Presbyterian History with its Scottish and Irish Background (Melbourne, AU: PTC, 2003).
Summer Intensive, 5 days (15 hours), odd numbered years
4 cps
Lecturer: John Wilson
Overview: This subject provides an overview of the biblical foundations for Presbyterian polity, its historical development, and the present polity as practised in the church.
An essential component of this course is attendance at session, presbytery and the General Assembly of Victoria.
General Assembly of the PCV, Code Book of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (current version)
General Assembly of Australia, Constitution, Procedure and Practice ( 2013)
Bradshaw, F. Maxwell, Basic Documents on Presbyterian Polity (PCA Christian Education Committee: 1984)
Reed, Kevin, Biblical Church Government (Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1983)
Summer intensive, 1 day (6 hours), annually
(The subject is compulsory for all first year full time students.)
Lecturer: Peter Hastie
Overview This subject introduces first-year students to the study of biblical teaching by reviewing the major stages of the whole biblical narrative.
Method: Class instruction and discussion.
Assessment: Written exam
Levy, S., Bible Overview (Fearn, UK: Christian Focus, 2008).
Kaiser, W., The Promise-Plan of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011).
Golding, P. Covenant Theology: The Key of Theology in Reformed Thought (Ross-shire, UK: Christian Focus, 2004).
Brown, Michael G. and Keele, Zach, Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explores (Grandville, MI: Reformed Fellowship, 2012)
Fees: There is no charge to PTC students for this unit.
Summer intensive, 3 days (17 hours), even numbered years
4 cps
Lecturer: Peter Hastie
Outcomes: This subject focuses on particular aspects of the theology and practice of worship in Scripture and in the Reformed tradition, and teaches candidates for the ministry how to contruct and lead a Presbyterian worship service.
Content covered includes: worship in the Old and New Testament; the theology of worship; construction of a worship service and contemporary issues.
Method: Classroom instruction and discussion.
Assessment: Written exam (two hours)
Chappell, Bryan, Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker 2009)
Ryken, Philip G., Thomas, Derek W. H. and Duncan, J. Ligon (eds.), Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2003)
Due, Noel, Created for Worship (Fearn, UK: Mentor, 2005)
Sproul, R. C., A Taste of Heaven (Sanford, FL: Reformation Trust, 2006)
聯絡: Dr. Felix Chung
電話: (03) 9898 9384
科目內容: 此科目為聖經研究之科目, 目的為幫助平信徒與教會領袖明白創世記之神學主題, 釋經內容, 及對信徒生活實踐之幫助。為 協助教會平信徒及領袖研讀創世記之用。
Presbyterian ministry candidates undertake Field Education each year over four years. This includes Guided Reading and Sermon Review in years one to four and supervised field education placement in years three and four. See PCA candidates
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven