Interview with Dhruti Christian

Dhruti is married to Samuel Christian, a second year ministry candidate. She works for the Salvation Army, and has two adult children. 

What do you enjoy most about the PTC community?

It’s really good to connect with other like-minded women in the Ministry Wives group. We’re all in a similar situation, so we can connect in friendship and fellowship.

Tell us about your job.

I am an administrator at the Salvation Army Head Office. I have been working with the Salvos for eight years, except for a period when I worked with my husband’s business.

How has being the wife of a candidate challenged or strengthened your faith?

Every day I need to rely on God. It can be very challenging to take responsibility for earning money and running the house to allow my husband the time he needs to study full-time. God strengthens me spiritually with His provision, and never leaves me. He has taught me of His goodness and sovereignty. Some days I want to give up, but then God reminds me – if He didn’t even spare His own Son for me, what do I have to worry about?

What do you look forward to most in your future role as wife of a full-time minister?

I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store! He has a plan and will use us both for His glory. I’m nervous about the challenges, but God will sustain us.

How can we pray for you?

Everything! Please pray particularly for my spiritual growth and reliance on God, and that He will build up my relationships with everyone around me for His glory. Please pray for continued good health, and for persistence and grace in supporting Samuel in his studies.

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