The unit will look at Paul’s theology of grace especially in the book of Philemon but also more widely in Paul’s writings and with reference to other New Testament books.
Dr David Briones, Westminster Seminary California, will teach the unit in intensive mode.
One Week Intensive: Mon 29th July – Fri 2nd August 2024, 9.00am – 4.00pm (plus additional tutorial hours later in the semester)
On-campus and online options are available.
To register for this unit for CREDIT, please complete the unit enrolment form by clicking the ‘Credit Registration’ button below and sending the completed form to the Registrar: The cost is the usual course fee for an AUT unit.
To AUDIT this unit, please click the ‘Audit Registration’ button below and fill in your contact and payment details. Audit fees for intensive units are $280.00.
For more information about the unit and to see the Unit Guide, click on ‘Unit Description’ button below.
Dr Briones is the Associate Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California. He has a BA in Biblical Studies from Life Pacific University, an MDiv from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, MA in Theology and Religion, and a PhD in New Testament from Durham University.
He has taught Greek, New Testament, Biblical Backgrounds, and Biblical Theology at several institutions including Westminster Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (2019-2023), and Reformation Bible College (2014-2019).
Dr Briones has written several books, essays and articles including Paul’s Financial Policy: A Socio-Theological Approach (T&T Clark, 2014), co-edited Paul and Seneca in Dialogue (Brill, 2017) and Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context (IVP Academic, 2019). He is currently finishing a commentary on Philemon for the International Theological Commentary series (T&T Clark) and has other book projects in progress.
He is an ordained minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He and his wife Mindy have four children.