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The Synoptic Gospels, Specialised Studies in Luke (NT008/9-612/712/812, NT206/7-912)

Taken by Dr Gregory R. Lanier, RTS.

The unit looks at the theology and issues of the Gospel of Luke. It includes the exegesis of the English and Greek texts of Luke 14-24. 

One Week Intensive: Mon 31st July – Fri 4th August 2023, 9.00am – 4.00pm (plus additional recorded lecture tutorial hours)

On-campus and online options are available.


To register for this unit for CREDIT, please complete the unit enrolment form by clicking the ‘Credit Registration’ button below and sending the completed form to the Registrar: registrar@ptc.edu.au. The cost is the usual course fee for an ACT unit.


To AUDIT this unit, please click the ‘Audit Registration’ button below and fill in your contact and payment details.


Registrations close: 5pm Monday 24th July 2023

Unit information

For more information about the unit and to see the Unit Guide, click on ‘Unit Description’ button below.

About Dr Gregory R. Lanier (BS, Mdiv, Phd)

Dr Greg Lanier currently works at Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) Orlando campus where he teaches New Testament exegesis and interpretation, preaching and Greek. He is an associate pastor at River Oaks Church (PCA).

Greg completed his PhD in New Testament at the University of Cambridge. He graduated from RTS with a Master of Divinity and from the University of North Carolina with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

He has written many articles and books, including Old Made New: A Guide to the New Testament use of the Old Testament, The Septuagint and Corpus Christologicum. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Biblical and Theological Study.

Greg lives with his wife, Kate, who is an optometrist, and their three daughters in Oviedo.

Training for the Kingdom of Heaven



For new enrolments (Ts & Cs apply)