PTC offers a full postgraduate higher degree by research programme. These courses are usually taken by those wishing to enter into theological college teaching and academic writing. If you are looking for postgraduate coursework awards, see the coursework page.
PTC has a team of highly experienced and published academics who contribute to the research culture at PTC and are available to supervise postgraduate candidates. Our supervisors’ areas of special interest currently are in Old Testament, Church history, and historical theology. PTC has a long history of fostering research, being instrumental in the publication of Australia’s longest-running Protestant theological journal, the Reformed Theological Review. We are also pleased to collaborate with academics from other AUT consortium colleges.
To foster a research culture, PTC has held research seminars for many years. The dates for 2025 Research Seminars are to come.
Apr 4 – Dr Stephen Lewis (10AM), Dr Stuart Bonnington (11AM)
Jun 6 – Dr John Lee (10AM)
Aug 15 – Rev Nathan Runham, PhD candidate (10AM), Professor Allan Harman (11AM)
Oct 17 – Rev Ben Nelson, PhD candidate (10AM), Dr Rowland Ward (11AM)
Oecolampadius’ treatment of John chapter 6 in his Annotations on John’s Gospel
The Background to the Introduction of ‘Believing Criticism’ to the Free Church of Scotland in the late 19th Century
‘Fighting Larry’ – Defender of the Faith? Rev. Dr J. Laurence Rentoul (1845-1926)
Yhwh Tsevaot before Samuel: canonical foundations for a Davidic title
PTC’s qualified and experienced research supervisors and co-supervisors take on candidates subject to availability and the research being within their areas of speciality. A supervision team can consist of PTC supervisors and other qualified supervisors from across AUT consortium colleges. The following are currently supervising PTC candidates or are available to be supervisors.
Missiology, Research Methods
Research Areas
Intercultural Studies, Practical Theology, Chinese Studies
PhD, Reformed Theological Seminary, 2000
MTh, Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong, 1997
+613 9898 9384
Research Professor
Research Areas
Bible Studies, Old Testament, Church History
ThD, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1968
MLitt, University of Edinburgh, 1974
+613 9898 9384
Research Lecturer
Research Areas
Church History
ThD, Australian University of Theology, 1994
BTh (hons), University of South Africa, 1981
+613 9898 9384
Lecturer in Old Testament, Academic Dean
Research Areas
Old Testament, Historical Theology
PhD, University of Melbourne, 2011
ThM (1st honours), Westminster Theological Seminary, 2002
MTh, Australian University of Theology, 2002
+613 9898 9384
Research Areas
Old Testament
PhD, University of Melbourne, 1997
MA, Macquarie University, 1990
+613 9898 9384
Lecturer in Church History, Christ College
Research Areas
Church History
MA (Hons), BD, DipEd, ThD (Australian University of Theology)
+613 9898 9384
Lecturer in Theology, Psychology, and Church History, MST
PhD (University of Edinburgh), DipPsych, MTh, BA
+613 9898 9384
AUT Research Ethics Application form: Only for the Ministry Practice Research Stream
Please contact the HDR Coordinator ( for further details.
Further reference:
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) – Updated 2018
See the AUT documents repository for policies and forms relating to all aspects of HDR, including confirmation of candidature and thesis submission and examination.
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven