PTC is situated on a beautiful, leafy property in Box Hill North, 17km east of the CBD and directly by the Easter Freeway Elgar Rd turnoff. Our tranquil campus includes our main building with lecture and tutorial rooms, student kitchen and common room, staff offices, and the always expanding and full to the brim library.
On-site accommodation houses students and their families, providing the opportunity to live locally and fully engage in College life.
PTC is located with easy access to Box Hill Central and Doncaster Shopping Centre, both major hubs for retail, services and public transport. Ample free parking is available on campus.
We value our community as a whole, actively engaging our local community with guest lectures open to the public, and free access to browse our library. We include our student’s spouses with prayer meetings, the Ministry Wives group, and scholarships for the wives of Presbyterian candidates.
PTC provides care groups in order to nurture the spiritual lives of our students. These groups provide spiritual guidance and mentoring through prayer, Bible study, fellowship and small group interaction.
All full time students (those who take 3 subjects or above) are expected to join in a care group led by one faculty member. Part-time students are also welcome.
Students will be assigned to a group at the beginning of each semester. Each session will be approximately one to one-and-a half hours duration and will meet on weeks 2, 6 and 10 of semester.
We hold chapel services three times a week during semester, which all students are strongly encouraged to attend. The spirit of praise expressed at chapel times is intended to flow out into the rest of the day and its activities.
Students are rostered on to lead services and preach twice a week, and each Thursday is our Missions chapel which features guest speakers and an extended prayer time.These visits are beneficial for students as contact-points for future ministry possibilities and opportunities for a greater diversity of church-based activities and outreach.
Special prayer mornings are held each semester and are open to all students, wives and husbands. These times help to reinforce the place of prayer in the life of the College. Prayer also help to bind staff members and students together in shared devotions. Sometimes an outside speaker is invited to lead these prayer mornings.
All on-campus daytime students are rostered for kitchen duties throughout the year. These duties involve helping in practical ways that are listed with rosters on the noticeboard in the kitchen.
In this way, students learn to serve the common good by facilitating the smooth running of College.
The John Paton Fellowship (JPF) is the College’s student body, providing meaningful liaison between students and faculty. It is run by the students with a committee elected at an Annual General Meeting usually held in early September.
The fellowship takes its name from the Rev John G Paton, a pioneer missionary who sailed from Melbourne to the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) in the 19th century. The intention is that by this association students will be reminded of Paton’s example of sacrificial and untiring evangelistic zeal, grounded in his firm grip of the Gospel.
Regular activities will be arranged throughout the year consistent with the aims and objectives of the fellowship. The JPF aims to establish a sense of community among students by providing practical care and support for each other while at college, and encouraging friendships that form a basis for ongoing encouragement after college.
The Ministry Wives group aims to provide fellowship, support and training for the wives and fiancees of students preparing for full-time ministry.
The group meets monthly at friendly informal gatherings, where they study Scripture together, enjoy fellowship, and listen to guest speakers on relevant topics.
For more information, please email the current group leader, Sue Hastie.
The College has on-site accommodation available at a below-market rate for students and their families. Click the button for more information.
Available for consultation and counsel. An appointment can be made to speak with him. Students are encouraged to approach individual lecturers about matters concerning particular subjects.
Available to advise students on subject selection, academic progress and concerning any queries about the requirements of ACT students and PCA candidates.
Students from an Asian background will find it helpful to have regular contact and discussion with Felix Chung, who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin.
Holds the physical safety of students and staff as a prime concern, and the committee includes a student representative.
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven