There are many services both within and external to the College that can support you during your time of study at PTC. Please note that for the external services mentioned below, PTC makes no recommendation or endorsement. You can speak to any lecturer or staff member and they will be able to help you find the support you need.
Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade: 000
In emergency situations, call 000 (triple zero). This is Australia’s emergency phone number. Call the triple zero number and ask for the appropriate emergency service.
There are other services available if police, ambulance, or fire brigade are not needed:
If you need an emergency medical response, the Ambulance should be requested by calling the Australian emergency phone number: 000 (triple zero). If it is feasible in the situation or for an urgent situation that does not require an ambulance, you may attend the emergency department of the nearest hospital with an emergency department.
The nearest hospital to PTC is Box Hill Hospital (an approximate 5-minute drive from PTC – drive south on Elgar Road towards Box Hill). This is a ‘public’ hospital, meaning it is owned and operated by the State Government.
Note that not all hospitals have an Emergency Department. Also note that there are private hospitals in Australia that have an Emergency Department and usually will charge a significant amount for their services.
Box Hill Hospital
1300 342 255
8 Arnold Street
Box Hill, 3128
State Emergency Service
The State Emergency Service can help if you are dealing with major incidents such as the effects of weather events and natural disasters (e.g. floods, storms, fallen trees). The SES can be called directly on the number below. If the incident requires the police, ambulance, or fire brigade, call 000 (triple zero) rather than the SES.
13 25 00
Lifeline is a suicide prevention and crisis support help-line. ‘Whether you are feeling suicidal, stressed, low, worried, or anything else, you can call, chat or text Lifeline and get access to confidential one-to-one support’.
Note that Lifeline does not physically attend a crisis situation. If there is an immediate threat to life, call the Australian emergency number, 000 (triple zero) and ask for the police or ask for an ambulance if a medical response is required.
13 11 14
Poisons Information Centre
The Victorian Government’s Poisons Information Centre is a free service that provides advice on how to response to poisoning or suspected poisoning. It does not provide direct medical assistance or send an ambulance. If you need an immediate medical response, call 000 (triple zero) and ask for an ambulance.
If you need an urgent police response, the Australian emergency phone number should be called: 000 (triple zero, and the ask for the Police). For non-urgent matters, you can call or go to your local police station in person.
Box Hill Police Station
For urgent and emergency care, see the emergency numbers at the top of this page.
If you have concerns about health and safety at PTC, you may speak to the office administrator, who is also the Health and Safety Officer.
A basic first-aid kit is available on-site. Please speak to the Health and Safety Officer (the PTC adminstrator) or another member of staff.
An automated debribillator (AED) is available in the College foyer (just by the hallway to the toilets).
Safe Church
The Safe Church unit of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria can provide support and advice in situations or suspected situations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and other forms of abuse, harassment, and intimidation. Safe Church can advise you on whether you need to report a situation to the police. Safe Church can be contacted if you have seen or heard something that makes you suspect there is a case of abuse or harassment.
If there is an immediate threat to life, call the Australian emergency phone number, 000 (triple zero), and ask for police, or ask for ambulance if a medical response is required.
As in institution owned and operated by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, PTC is obliged to follow Safe Church protocols.
Safe Church Facilitator: 0499 090 449
Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment (SASH)
In an emergency situation or to report a crime, call the Australian emergency phone number, 000 (triple zero), and ask for police, or ask for an ambulance if a medical response is required.
To report or express any concerns relating to sexual assault or sexual harassment at PTC, contact our SASH Officer:
Rosemary Chandra
03 9898 9384
SASH training is provided to students during orientation. See the material available to all students at any time in the Student Orientation course in PTConline.
There are numerous doctors’ clinics available in the vicinity of the College. Some ‘bulk bill’ eligible persons, meaning that there is no out-of-pocket expense.
Box Hill Superclinic
General practitioners with on-site pathology.
Open 7 days a week from 8am – midnight
03 9899 8668
There are numerous dentist clinics in the vicinity for the College. For example:
Box Hill Family Dentistry
General dentistry practice with bi-lingual staff.
Open Monday – Saturday
03 8843 2222
NURSE ON CALL is a free help-line run by the Victorian Government. Nurses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to give advice regarding any non-emergency medical situation. They do not provide prescriptions or direct medical care, but they can advise you if you need to see a doctor, go to hospital, or call an ambulance (and can transfer you to the 000 emergency phone number if necessary). If you need emergency assistance, you should call 000 (triple zero) and ask for an ambulance instead of calling NURSE ON CALL.
1300 60 60 24
If English is not your main language and you need an interpreter, call TIS National (the Federal Government translation service) on 13 14 50 and ask to be transferred to NURSE ON CALL.
National Alcohol & Other Drug Hotline
This Government hotline provides confidential support for people struggling with addiction; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1800 250 015
If you are in need of personal counselling, you may speak with our Pastoral Dean or seek assistance from your pastor or a counselling service.
John is available for consultation and counsel. An appointment can be made to speak with him. For academic issues, students are encouraged to approach individual lecturers about matters concerning particular subjects.
Melbourne East Christian Counselling Centre
MECCC is a counselling service run by Christians. Some of MECCC’s counsellors have trained at PTC, and MECCC’s lead counsellor teaches Biblical Counselling at PTC. The Centre is located next door to PTC.
0490 349 799
1800 RESPECT provides domestic violence counselling.
1800 737 732
For an emergency in which there is a threat of physical harm, call the Police on the triple-zero phone number: 000
Christians Against Poverty
CAP can provide support if you are dealing with debt or money management issues.
1300 227 000
Victoria Legal Aid
This is a Victorian Government service that can provide free legal advice and legal assistance grants for eligible persons.
Open Monday – Friday
1300 792 387
If you are in need of academic support, reach out to one of our faculty members, who can direct you to the proper resources. Students have differing levels of academic ability, and some experience learning difficulties due to disability, current or past circumstances, ESL backgrounds, or other reasons, and PTC seeks to support such students in their studies.
See the Student Progression and Support Policy for more information.
See the Assessments page, which might help to answer some questions.The Registrar is the first point of contact for students regarding their enrolment in units and courses and for any concerns regarding academic progress. The Registrar is also the Extensions Officer, who is responsible for making decisions regarding the granting of assessment extensions and the length of any such approval (see the Assessments page).
The Academic Dean takes up student academic matters referred by the Registrar, discusses with students what additional academic support services may be implemented, and has an overall responsibility for overseeing student academic progress. Special study arrangements can be negotiated with the Academic Dean.
Orientation takes place in:
The orientation session run at the start of the year is recorded and available to all students at any time in the Student Orientation course in PTConline. The course also has an orientation slideshow that covers the key information.
The orientation programme follows AUT requirements, which meets the Government’s requirements for orientation for overseas students.
If you are interested in taking classes such as English Grammar or Writing & Study Skills, please contact our Registrar. The Study Skills course is strongly recommended and is free for all students with PTC as their home college. The course runs annually at the start of the year and is recorded and available to all students at any time in the Student Orientation course in PTConline. Another course may be run in the second semester if necessary, and occasionally, courses are run with more specific skills foci.
You can find many study resources on the ‘resources‘ menu of the main PTC website and on the Swanton library website. Key resources will be explained during the Study Skills course. If you need more assistance in using these resources, you are welcome to ask your lecturers.
PTC has limited on-site accommodation. To find out more about accommodation and living on-campus, see the Accommodation page or speak to our Administration Officer.
The John Paton Fellowship (JPF) is the College’s student body, providing meaningful liaison between students and faculty. It is run by the students with a committee elected at an Annual General Meeting usually held in early September.
The committee meets regularly to discuss student requests, concerns and ideas, which are presented to the Principal for consideration. If you would like to lodge a grievance, you may contact the Convenor of the committee for assistance.
Regular activities will be arranged throughout the year consistent with the aims and objectives of the fellowship. The JPF aims to establish a sense of community among students by providing practical care and support for each other while at college, and encouraging friendships that form a basis for ongoing encouragement after college.
For more information on the John Paton Fellowship, Care Groups, and other community support, visit our Student Life page.
Please see the Overseas Students page for support information specific to overseas students.
Overseas Student Liaison Officer: Ben Palmer.
The Ministry Wives group aims to provide fellowship, support and training for the wives and fiancees of students preparing for full-time ministry.
The group meets monthly at friendly informal gatherings, where they study Scripture together, enjoy fellowship, and listen to guest speakers on relevant topics.
For more information, please email the current group leader, Jess Thomas.
The Australian University of Theology provides support services for students. See the policies page and the AUT website.
If you would like to make a complaint or raise a dispute about an academic or any other matter impeding your progress at PTC, please consult the grievance resolution policy.
Training for the Kingdom of Heaven